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Dylan`s Area   (aka Зона Дилана)
Путь: 6se3sws4usu
Маяк: screaming filthy
    Roc's                     (8)
    Nest                      /`        (8)
     /                      Calm     Raging
                                          |        |        
                                           /            Hurricane
                                          /             /   |
                           Dark  Cumulative    R.H.---R.H.  |
                          hidden---nimbus       |      |    |
                          cloud    cloud    (5)R.H.->-R.H.  |
                                     |               _/     |
                                     |              (5)     |
                                     | Front                |
                           Yet another/ Gate   Cirrus    Sweezing  Dopey     Doc-like 
                                 cloud  |      maximas----little---little-----little  
                                        |      cloud      cloud    cloud      cloud   
                            Croquet---Lawn       |          |                   |    
                              Game      |        |          |    Witches Tower--|---=---> В Midgaard
                                |       |        |          |            /      |          (Храм Мерлина)
                                |       |        |          |    Foyer--Tower   |
                                |       |        |          |      |            |
                                |       |        |          |     Mysterious    |
                                |       |        |          |  rock outcropping |
                                | (6)   |        |          |           /       |
                                |/    Huge   Suspicious   Bashful    Cold,     Snowy
                              Patio-gorgeous   little-----little     damp------white
                                    fountain  rainchud     cloud     cloud     cloud
                                                            |                   |
                                                         Sleepy   Grumpy     Happy
                                                          cloud    cloud     cloud  A f.w.c.---A f.w.c.---A f.w.c.
                                                                     |   (1)    |   /    |                  /
                                                                     |   /      |  /     |                 /
                                                                  A f.w.c.---A f.w.c.    |                /
                                                                                 /       |             An Ominous   High and
                                                                             A f.w.c.----|-------------storm cloud--perilous
                                                                                         |                            cliff
                                                               A f.w.c.                  |                              |
                                                               /   |                     |                              |
                                      Redferne's             (1)   |                     |                            Narrow
                                      residence    A fluffy        |                     |                          Rocky trail         Absolutely
                                           ...    White cloud--A f.w.c.                  |                           /                  disqusting
                                            |      /               |                     |                          /                      lair
                                            A fluffy               |                     |                         /                         |
                                           White cloud--...        |                     |                   Small valley                    |
                                            |         Divided    A f.w.c.---A f.w.c.---A f.w.c.                   |         Absolutely     Large,
                                           ...         Souls                                                      |         disqusting--sfyrdy Ledge
                                        Wonderland                                                                |           lair          /
                                                                                                             Small valley                  /
                                                                                                                 /                        Cliff  Dank, dark,
                            Lawn                            Lawn                            Incredible          /                         Face---smelly hole
                         northwest---------------Front---northeast                            slippery---Deep, slippery                    /
                         of house                 door   of house                              crevice      crevice        Steep          /
                              |                  /   |       |                                 /             |          mountainside---Treacherous
                              |                 /    |       |                                /              |         /                  cliff
                              |             Long     |       |                              _/             Steep      /
                            Lawn         Stairway    |      Lawn                          Mid-Air          mountainside
                           west of           /       |     east of                        (trap)
                            house          (6)       |      house
                              |                      |       |
                            Lawn              Lawn   |      Lawn
                         of house              of    |   of house
                             /                house  |
                            /                        |
                           /              Elegant    |       Elegant
                           /    Arboretum---hallway-Foyer----hallway---Office
                           /      |          |         /       |          |
                           /      |  Western |        /        |          | Eastern
                           /      |   Tower  |       /         |          |  Tower
                           /      |  /       |      /          |          | /
                           /      | /     Library  /      Conservatory    |/
                           /    Western           /                    Eastern
                           /    Tower            /                      Tower
                           /                Bottom of
                          /                 the stair
                         Dirty,                 |
Схематичная карта | Где практика | Где гильдии | Таблица профессий | Юмористические истории из жизни

© Degtyarev Dmitriy