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Chapel   (aka Часовня)
Путь: 3e8sw6s
Маяк: eater
@ = recall - комнаты
Level 1
                                 Inside the Chapel
                              Entrance Chamber to the                              The Acoulite's Bedroom
                                Grand Hall of King                                          ^
                                        |                                                   |
                                        =                                                   =
                                        |                                                   |
The Grand Hall---The Grand Hall----The Grand Hall----The Grand Hall--The Grand Hall---The Grand Hall
  of Kings         of Kings          of Kings          of Kings        of Kings         of Kings
     |                                  |                  |
     =                                  =                  =
     |                                  |                  |
The Shrine        The Shrine        The Shrine         The Shrine-----The Shrine-------The Shrine
of Shohan        /of Cristis        of Crotus          of Mithar       of Frath         of Jubal
     |          =     |@                |                  |                                |
     |         /      |                 |                  |                 The Tomb\      |     
     |       (1)      |                 |                  |                 of Frath \     |    
 The Tomb--------The Tomb of         The Tomb----------The Tomb                        \The Tomb 
of Shohan          Cristis           of Crotus         of Mithar                        of Jubal
               (Вне мавзолеЯ)

Level 2

LC = The Lower Chamber and Tomb of the Undead

 |      |       |
 LC     |   (1) LC--LC--LC--LC--LC
   Entrance /       |   |   |   |
   to Lower/        LC--LC--LC--LC
    Chamber                     |
                            |   |
                            LC  LC  
                            |      L (key у Snapper Joe)
                                    into Darkness
Level 3                      /                                                                                          
Cat = The Catacombs        /
            |           /                              |                                 
            |          / Cat--Cat                      |                                 
            |@        /   |    |           Secret      |                                 
Cat----Entrance to the---Cat  Cat--Cat--=->Passageway Cat-Cat
     Forbitten Catacomb             |        |             |                        
            |                       |      Secret          |                        
            |                  The Gilded  Passageway      |                        
           Cat                   Hallway                   |                        
                                    |                      |   (Stone Archway)                     
                               The Gilded                  |        Hell       
                                 Hallway   Den of--Cat----Cat        ...           
                                    |     Vampire          |          ^ 
                               The Gilded     \            v          | 
                                 Hallway     Inside the   The Short way 
                                    |         coffin        to hell    
                               The Gilded 
                               The Gilded 
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© Degtyarev Dmitriy