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Arachnos   (aka АраХноС)
Путь: 14ws2wnwuwn
Маяк: young spider
                                             Tree   Fuzzy
                                            Trunk--Tree Limb
                                              |       |
             Webby        On the Busy  Wolf  Tree     |
            Passage          Path     Spider-Lair     |
               |            /   |      Lair  Entrance |
               |           /    |                     |
    Wast     Webby   Beneath   On the   On the     A Split
    Hive----Passage--the Busy   Busy-----Busy------in the
               |       Path     Path     Path       Path
               |                                      |             The Entrance
            Webbed                                    |           of the Ethereal
           Entrance                       A Above    The                Web     \
               |                         /  the----Webless               |       \
               |                    The /  Ravine   Path                 |        \
            On the                Rainbow    |                       A Leader      \
          Spider Web                Web      |                        Strand        \  The Young
               |                          The Web                      /             \ Wormkin`s
               |                           Forest                     /               \   crib
            On the                            /      The          A Road               \  |
          Spider Web                         / (1)-Tether Path---Crossing               \ |
               |                            /       ^                                 The Base         Through
               |                           /   (1)  |                                of the Web-------the Trees
              ...                         The Slaver Pit                                  |
           Haon Dor                                                                       |
       (On the spider web)   On The      The     A Link  Another     The      A Link      |
                              Web-------Queet----in the---Tree-----Tenuous----in the--Above the
                               |      Tree Top  Ethereal  Limb     Strand    Ethereal  Clouds
                               |                  Web       |         |         Web       |
                               |                   |        |         |                   |
                               |                  The      The     The Elder            On A
                               |                Ki-Rin    Bird     Wormkin`s            Cloud
                               |                Chamber  Spider`s    Room 
                               |                          Lair
                               |              (gate Arachnos)
                               |            The Lair of Arachnos
                               |                     |
                               |                     =
                               |                     |
                               |               The Great Door
                               |                     |
                               |        (2)  The Sticky Chamber
                               |         ^           |
                               |         |   The Entrance to 
                               |     A Link /the Arachnos' Lair
                               |     in the/
                               |    Ethereal
             Yevaud`s-------A Link    Web
               Lair         in the   /  |
                         Ethereal Web   |                                                  (2)
                                        v         The     Realm    Realm      The      The Single   The Single   The Hermit`s    Mahatma`s
                                   Entrance to--Guardian--of the---of the--Donjonkeep--Spider Line--Spider Line-----Corner----->Inescapable
                                 the Donjonkeep   Room   Hopeless Hopeless
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© Degtyarev Dmitriy