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Hell   (aka Ад)
Путь: 3e8sw6sds2w2sendn2es4e2sw2s2ednese2sd
Маяк: weeds
                           (1-LEVEL)                                            Caverns
     Mural  Living  Trapped Tortured                                               |
    of the--Walls----Souls---Beings--Gluttony--Greed-=-Bedroom  Ancient--Ancient--Stone          
     Dead     |        |       |        |       |               Shrine    Room   ArchWay         
       |      |        |       |        |       |                         /        |             
     Hall    Hall    Hall     Hall     Hall   Gateway                  Dark       ...            
    of the--of the--of the---of the---of The----To--=--Landing-------Stairway   Chapel         Room full--Fountain
    Damned  Damned  Damned   Damned   Damned   Hell                            (Short Way       of body   of blood
           /  |        |       |        |       |                               to Hell)         Paths       |    
          /   |        |       |        |       |                                                  |      Skeleton
         / Ancient---Room-----Room---Pit of--Blackened--Blackened--------------------------Blood-Living---Factory 
        /   Room    of Lost  of Lost   Fire   Hallway    Hallway                           Room  Walls            
  Bloody             Souls    Souls
     /                     (2-LEVEL)
Bottom of---Stone           Stone---Stone---Stone       (1)-Stone-----------Stone-=-Cell
Stairway    Hall    Cell    Hall    Hall    Hall    Cell    Hall             Hall
              |       |       |       |       |       |       |              / |
              |       =       |       =       |       =       |             /  =
              |       |       |       |       |       |       |            /   |
            Stone---Stone---Stone   Cell    Stone---Stone--(1)Stone      Hot   Cell
            Hall    Hall    Hall            Hall    Hall     Hall      Stairs
                           (3-LEVEL)                                    /
       Hall Hall   Const    Const    Const   Hall  Hall   Fire Pit    /
Stone---of---of   ruction->ruction--ruction   of----of----of Hades   /
Arch \ Fire Fire   Area     Area     Area    Fire  Fire     |    Fire Murad
  |   \       |      |        |        |       |     |      |         |
  =    \      |      |        V        |       |     |      |         |
  |     \   Hall   Const    Const    Const   Hall  Wall   Lake       Hot
Foreman`s\   of---ruction--ruction--ruction---of    of-----of--------Hall
 Office   \ Fire   Area     Area     Area    Fire  Fire   Fire
    Cold Stairway          (4-LEVEL) 
                 \   Icy      Ice     Ice   Meat     Meat    Penguin   Penguin   Ice        Ice      White
                   Landing----Room----Room  Locker->-Locker-=-Room------Room   Creamery---Creamery-=-Marble
                               |       |      |        |        |         |       |          |        Hall
                               |       |      |        |        |         |       |          |          |
                Refregerator--Ice-----Ice-=-Meat-----Meat    Penguin---Penguin---Ice--------Ice       Marble
                    Room      Room    Room  Locker   Locker   Room      Room   Creamery   Creamery    Room
                                       Small          Blackened   Office    Blackened  Blackened        |
  Record---Record---Record-----Record  Altar-------------Hall-=-of the High    Hall-------Hall-=-Administration
   Hall     Hall     Hall       Hall                       |      Priest         |              _/  of Hell
              |                                            |                     |          Stairs      |
              |                                            |                     |        to the Abyss  =
  Halls     Halls     Halls     Halls     Halls        Blackened  Blackened  Blackened       _/         |
   of--------of--------of--------of-------of-------------Hall-------Hall-------Hall      Stairs to   Maintenance
Judgement Judgement Judgement Judgement Judgement          |                            the Abyss     Walkway
    |                   |                                  |                              _/            |
    |                   |        Pawn      Hallway      Hallway    The Offce          Stairs to         |
  Court   Lawyers---Office of    Shop----of the Mall--of the Mall-of Big Mouth        the Abyss         |
  Room    Office    Complaints            from Hell    from Hell  /                    _/               |
    |        |                                |                  /                 Stairs to            |
    |        |                Stanley`     Hallway     Inside Big                  the Abyss            |
 Judge`s  Courty-----Courty---Magical    of the Mall    Mouth`s                                         |
Chambers   Yard       Yard    Steeds      from Hell     Stomach                       Maintenance---Maintenance
             |          |        |            |                                         Walkway       Walkway  
             |          |        |            |                                            |                   
 Hell`s---Courty-----Courty   Hallway-----Hallway                                          |                   
 Kitchen   Yard       Yard  of the Mall of the Mall                      Reactor      Maintenance              
                             from Hell   from Hell                       Control----------Room---------Break   
                                              |                           Room             |           Room    
                                              |                             |              |             |     
                                           Станция                          |              |             |     
                                          "Владения         Inside       Reactor       Secondary     Office of 
                                             Аида"        the Reactor--=--Room          Control      the Chief 
                                                             Core         Floor          Room        Engineer
Схематичная карта | Где практика | Где гильдии | Таблица профессий | Юмористические истории из жизни

© Degtyarev Dmitriy