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High Tower   (aka Высокая Башня)
Путь: 14ws2w2sws3wnw2n;Роща Теней;искать авантюриста...
Маяк: calico
Эта часть арии представляет собой набор из 9 комнат, со случайными переходами наподобие
Void (norecall). К счастью, команды exits, scan и особенно farsight помогают здесь быстро
найти выход. Ищите авантюриста или мага, если хотите попасть в High Tower; маленького
дракона, если вам нужна Dragon Tower; наконец, чтобы попась в Galaxy, нужно искать
комнату Inside Tavern. Приблизительно до 10 уровня нужно остерегаться и обходить
невидимых стражей, которые агрессивны и, могут наложить blindness.

                                A small clearing (авантюрист)
                                (G3)   +v   (G4)
                                  +    +|    +
                                  +    +|    +
                                  +     +    +           SG = Shadow Grove
                                  +     +    +           
                                  +     +    +           
              Dragon Tower...--->SG++++SG++++SG<---Galaxy           
            (The Tower Gates)<+++ +     +    + +++>(Inside a Tavern)
           (маленький дракон)     +     +    +
                                  +     +    +
                                  +    +^    +
                                  +    +|    +
                                (G3)   +|   (G4)
                           Entrance to the Shadow Grove
                                    Haon Dor
                           (At the end of the trail
                         through the deep, dark forest)

FLOOR 0 A dark cell | (0) = / | / Dark Below/ passage the Trapdoor | / Dark | / Dark The Jailor's passage---Damp-----passage-----Office Intersection | The straghant pool _/ Below the straghant pool
FLOOR 1 Dark Hallway (1) / | Магическая станция "Высокая Башня" / (0) | | A hallway--=-The borht | | | room Magic---Common----Mages A store room A hallway-=-A guest shop room Tawern | | bedroom | = = | | | The kitchen-----Dining room------Inside the High---The Hallway--The hallway--Bend in the-=-A guest Tower of Sorceurs | hallway bedroom | = | | | Guardians Entrance to High Tower A broom closet chamber | (E)
FLOOR 2 The apprentice's The Apprentice's-=-The Apprentice's workshop barracks barracks | | | = = = Bend in the | | | Hallway--------A Hallway-------A Hallway-------A Hallway---A culdesac | / | (2) / | / (1) A classroom--A Hallway Below the stair | | | Hallway--The study An empty--A Hallway | classroom | Hallway--A bedroom | | An empty--A Hallway Hallway--Spellmaster classroom | | lounge | | Bend in the-Hallway-Hallway-Hallway-Bend Hallway | | | hallway The The | Amphitheatre training The dueling room room
FLOOR 3 The master scribe`s---=--A small workshop office A store | room = | | Bend in the---Hallway----Hallway-----Hallway---A top the hallway starway | / | / (3) A store room-=-Hallway (2) / (A) | | / \ | | End of Hallway \A very hot---=-Hallway | room | Hallway The animal pen | | | | = | Hallway--The charm master`s chamber | | | The master Hallway Hallway---An empty Enchanter`s | | room chamber Bend in the---Hallway-----Hallway------Hallway------Bend in the hallway | | hallway | | a laboratory----The Mad Pentagram Alchemist`s Chamber workroom | Chapel (Den of the Vampire) V ... (The guardian vampire) | / Inside the Sewers...----Energy Field--...Drow city (dragons lair) / | (Main Chamber) (red dragon) / ... (matron mother) ... Olympus Dylan's (Planning Room) Area (Ares) (Witches Tower) (wicked witch)
FLOOR 4 Master Spellbilder-spellbilder-=-store room cashe chamber | | = | | Bend in the--Hallway------Hallway----Hallway----A top the stairway hallway / | / | (3) (4) A store room Hallway / | | / Golem | The end of hallway master----Hallway | workshop | Hallway The Necromancer's Lair / | | | | слишком | | Hallway A dark room темно The golem Hallway | | чтобы chamber | Hallway--=--A dark room что-то | | увидеть Bend in the--Hallway-----Hallway-----Hallway------Bend in the / hallway | | hallway (A) The master The meditation A bedroom--of illusion's chamber chamber
FLOOR 5 A bend in-----A corridor-----A corridor (i) (j) the corridor / The reading | | | / room In the In the | (4) | (k)--Library----Library--(l) A corridor | | | | Between In the In the The Entrance | the shelves-library--Library---to the----A corridor--An intersection----A corridor---=--The scrying | library | chamber | | A corridor In the In the | (5) (l)--Library----Library--(k) The end of / | | the corridor The landing (i) (j) | / The arched/ entrance
FLOOR 6 Midgaard (Hassan) Clan Mystery ... ... /` | In the light<----A passage<--=---The altar---=---The treasure | The library---The audience chamber----A dressing room | The entranceway | A wide hallway | A wide hallway The meditation | chamber A wide hallway It's very dark here | | | The chamber of An A A An A A The end The chamber The A closet---the write light---antechamber-=-bright---bright----Intersection----dark----dark----of hallway-=-of darkness---inner | hallway hallway / | hallway hallway | chamber | / A greytiled Torture A study / hallway chamber (5) | A greytiled hallway | = | The antechamber | The study-The main chamber-A closet | A bedroom
Схематичная карта | Где практика | Где гильдии | Таблица профессий | Юмористические истории из жизни

© Degtyarev Dmitriy