[вернуться назад]

Castle of Giants   (aka Замок Гигантов)
Путь: 6e4s2es2ed5n2w2n
Маяк: elf gardener
Нарисовал: Pradd

1-A hallway in the castle
2-A turn in the hallway
3-A stairwell
4-The castle garden
5-The castle dungeon
6-A dungeon cell
7-A dark hallway
8-The Hallway of Giants

    *-*-* Первый этаж *-*-*

                                / |
                              (A) |
                   2  -   1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1   -  2
                   |                             |
                   1                             1
                   |                             |
                   1                             1
                   |                             |
The storage room - 1                             1 -  The Guest Room
                  /                             /
                 3    -   4     -      4   -   3
                 |        +            |       |
  The kitchen  - 1        4     -      4       1 -  The storage room
                 |                             |
                 1                             1
                 |                             |
                 2-1-1-Foyer of the Castle-1-1-2
                        Before the Castle
                         of the Giants
                           Руины Талоса

    *-*-* Подвал *-*-*

 The bottom of a stairwell 

       6   |   6
       |       |
       |   |   |
       |   |   |
       6   7   6
     The Torture Room    

    *-*-* Второй этаж *-*-*

    A dark room - 1 -  Art Gallery                
 The Altar Room - 1 -  The Library                  
     The lounge - 1 -  The Castle War Conference Room                  
                  1     (C)     
                  |     /        
         The Lord's Stairwell                        

    *-*-* Третий этаж *-*-*

             The Lord's Chamber          
            /         |
The Treasure Room     |                 
     Battle Grounds - 8 -   The Holy Room
      The Dark Room - 8 - The Captain's Quarters      
          Top of the Lord's Stairwell             
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© Degtyarev Dmitriy