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New Thalos   (aka Новый Талос)
Путь: 16e
Маяк: азиз
                                     (e1)-Edge of the forest--(e1)
                                      (e2)--On the Plains--(e2)
                                      (e3)--On the Plains--(e3)
                Northwest                        |
                 Tower                     Outside the north                            Northeast
                  /                         Gate of New Thalos                           /Tower  
                 /  West Casbash                 |                                      /
                |        |     |                Gate                    |              |
               Jail    City  Alley               |                      |              |
                       Hall    |              Sultan's        Reception |  Library----Kali
                             Alley              Walk   Entrance /Area   |             Row
                             /                   |      Dancing/        |              |
                           (U4)           (SP)-Sultan's--Daemon         |   Dance-----Kali
                                                Walk      Inn           |   Hall      Row
                                                 |         |            |
                                                 |      Dancing         |
                                                 |      -Daemon         |
                                                 |        Inn           |
                                     Nabil's     |                      |
                                     Back        |         Boyer---Guildsman's--Mason's
                                     Room        |         Guild       Row      Guild
             High                                |                      |
            Priest                               |         Weaver--Guildsman's--Craftsman
            Chamber  Altar                    Sultan's     Guild       Row        Guild
              |        |                        Walk                    |
            Inside--Inside--Donation             |         Tanner--Guildsman's--Museum of the Greater Gods
            Temple  Temple    Room               |         Guild       Row            |
              |        |                      Sultan's                  |             |
         Entrance to   | Alley--Alley           Walk               Guildsman's--Museum of the Greater Gods
     Guild of Clerics  |   |     /               |                     Row      
           |           |   |    =                |                      |               Mage's Laboratory(pra)
Nectar of the Gods Temple  |   /      Ahkeem's   |      Vera's     Guildsman's          /  
     /             Gates   |  (U1)      Stuff    |     Veggies         Row     Base of Tower--The Mage's Courtyard
    /              |  /  Alley           |       |       |              |            |            |
Cleric's           | /     |   Nabil's  NW    Northern   NE             |            v            |
Sanctum-=->(A2)    Temple  |   Exotic  Market--Market--Market           | Witch's  Magic Entrance to the 
(pra)              Square  |   Animals-Square  Square  Square--Butchery |  Brew    Shop  Mage's Tower     
                     |     |             |       |       |              |    |      |     |
      Outside Inside |     |          Western  Center  Eastern          |    |      |     |
...---West-----West-West-West---West---Market--Market--Market---East--East--East--East--Inside--Outside Eastern----(*)
 .    Gate     Gate Main Main   Main   Square  Square  Square   Main  Main  Main  Main   East   Gate of New Thalos
 .             |     |     |             |       |       |              |    |           Gate          |
Miden'nir      |     |     |   General  SW    Southern   SE    Abdul's  |    |                         |
(Outskirts of  | Repair  Alley  Store--Market--Market--Market---Armor   | Mercenary--------Entrance  Outside the Wall
New Thalos)    |  Shop     |           Square  Square  Sqaur            |   Guild          Thieve's    /`
               |         Alley--Alley    |       |       |     Ye Old  Alley                 Guild   (U3)
           Entrance t o   (A1) /       Bread   Medina  Igor's  Leather  |                       |
           Guild of           =        Stand     |   Implements Shoppe--Alley--Alley-Smuggler   |
           Warriors'         /                   | of Destruction               |    Inn     The Filthy Unicorn
               |           (U2)                  |       =L                     |               /
             Whet    (pra)                       |      /                       |          The Secret Yard(pra)
             Stone--Tournament and-=->(A1)       |   Igor's Secret              |                       |
                    Practice Yard                |    Chamber                   |                       v
                                       Drafting Medina         Royal--The Hay  Alley  Cassandra's      (-)
             Warehouse--.   Shipwright---Room    |      Forge  Stables  Loft    |    Catch of the Day      The Dump
                   |    |           |          Common    |       |              |      |                      |
                Ishtar  Ishtar      |            |             Ishtar
                 Drive  Drive   Boat Ramp        |             Drive
                                    |         South
                                 (boat)       Bridge                                                      
                                    |        /   |                                                              
                                   (%)  (boat) South                   
                                          /     Gate                   
                                        (&)      |
                                        Outside the Southern Gate
                                            of New Thalos
                                           Sands of Sorrow
                                        (The Sands of Sorrow)

Добавления by Sable Haon Dor ... | On the Dark River--On the Dark River--On the Dark River--On the Dark River--... Midgaard | v ... Bazaar (A Shipyard) The River of Lost Souls | The River of Lost Souls | The River of Lost Souls +++++++++++++++++++++++ | Река Иштар(Часть New Thalos) The Dragon Sea-------The Dragon Sea--...Dark Continent v | | (Land Ho!!) The River of (boat) | Lost Souls | v | (*)-On a Road--On a Road--On a Road--On a Road--Near the shore--On a dock-----(boat)--The Dragon Sea The River of | / | Lost Souls (boat) Lair of the-Under the | | | Ixitxachitl Dock | The River of Ghost | | Lost Souls (%) (&) ... The Dragon Sea--------The Dragon Sea | | / | | A Split in--IR-IR-IR-IR-IR-IR-IR-IR-IR-IR-IR-IR--IR-----IR-IR-IR-IR-IR-IR--The river delta-The Dragon Sea the River | IR=Ishtar River | The River of Lost Souls | The River of Lost Souls | The River of Lost Souls | The River of Lost Souls
Sultan Palace (Часть New Thalos) H - Hall T - Tunnel in the Dungeon Entrance Shrine Treasure Guard Art Dungeon Allah Room-->Room Exhibit / | | | | | (1) | | | | | | | Guard Throne----H------H--------H------H House Room | | | Garden--Garden-H----H---Grand----Palace--(SP) Small Gazebo | Entrance Gate Room | | | | | Harem--------H----H-----H-----H Guard | | | | | House | Guest Guest Grand = Guard Room Room Dinning | Room Hall--Kitchen (1) / Cell Cell Cell Cell = | | | | / =L =L =L =L Jailer | | | | Room-=-T-------T------T---------T--=--Secret | | | | Cell =L =L =L =L | | | | Cell Cell Cell Cell
Подземелье (Underground) Часть New Thalos (U4) / = / U | U (U1) | / U--U--U (+) вход из City of Anon (A2) | U | U (U2) (U3) |/ (+) (-) /` U--U--U--U--U--U--U->DP--DP--DP--DP U=Underground DP=Dark Passage
Добавления by Havchik еше одна фишка. сюда попасть можно тока гейтпнувшись на shelbye (по крайней мере других способов я не знаю ..) Inside the Castle of Clan MacCleod | | Zippoii's | / Room Saska's Library | / | |/ Naazgul's Common Room Ice's Room--------of the Clan------Room MacCleod / | / =L(pick proof) / | Tank's | Room | v (....) Haon Dor
Warning: Есть весьма пакостная комната без выходов: The Mercenary's Guild Есть одноименная, но с выходами. Сюда дают иногда квест на mercenary (наемник). Квест невыполним, если в этой комнате на момент получения квеста больше никого нет (стандартная ситуация). Бороться с этим можно многими способами (например заранее поставить маяк), но все они возможны только если ЗАРАНЕЕ предвидеть возможность получения этого квеста.
Схематичная карта | Где практика | Где гильдии | Таблица профессий | Юмористические истории из жизни

© Degtyarev Dmitriy